Wednesday, May 15, 2013


every time that kick or turn or move or rub is felt in the womb i still wonder at the miracle, the oddness, the magic of it... 
who are you? you! little person growing inside of me and 
with every passing day i just can't wait to meet this new human being 
whose heart has been beating almost from conception, 
a little soft face and wiggly toes, your eyelashes and tiny fingernails, 
to hear that newborn cry that depends on me for sustenance and love and life... ahhhhhh little baby... you were a surprise to us 
but we sure are crazy about you now...


Rachael said...

I love you, I love your family, I love your blog and I love your newest baby already!!!

Jedi & fam - once upon a time lol - not anymore said...

so much love THANK YOU!!!!!!

Isabelle Palmieri said...

Sarah, the picture "behind the tree" reminds me of one similar picture we took when you were young in Lomé/TOGO sweet souvenir...
Your blog is amazing by the way!
When I saw your picture, with your big belly, I realized that I have not seen you for a long,long time ... I miss so much, you, Jed and your girls.We are far from each other, but it's for the sake of the Gospel. We'll be together in heaven, forever! your Mom from Cotonou /BENIN

sarah said...

i know mom!!!! i remember that picture very well! we'll see each other very soon, by God's grace.
love you and dad very much.......